金融工具及/或交易产品或将带来高风险,由于其价值和价格可能出现不可预测的市场波动,由此产生的损失可能会超过您的初始投资。金融工具及/或产品的过往表现并不代表其未来表现。因此,在与我们进行任何交易之前,请确保您充分了解相应金融工具及/或产品的交易风险,并务必阅读我们网站上的Client Agreement风险披露通知以便了解更多信息。

Regularly review the sustainable development process

Follow the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) to identify and review major sustainability issues and assess the significant economic, environmental, and social impact of the company's business.

In-Depth Review

There are three steps to materiality assessment: identification, prioritization, and verification


Conduct research and benchmark
analysis to identify the impact


Internal and external participation
in analysis


Senior management participates
together to further verify

Materiality Assessment Chart


Crucial Topics and Categories

Key Issue Content of Discussion
Universal Financial Education Provide financial education resources, promote financial knowledge, and help our clients become savvy and responsible investors.
Charity Firmly believe in the importance of giving back to the community with charity
Data Protection We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality and security of personal information, we handle personal data in an open, transparent, and safe manner.
Key Issue Content of Discussion
Anti-Corruption Anti-Bribery and Corruption Compliance Procedures, and adhered by all employees and business partners.
Business Ethics Doo Prime operates with integrity and fairness, and select companies with similar business ethics as business partners.
Fair Trading Principles of integrity and fair trading are regarded as an important asset. We have established a good reputation as a result.
Key Issue Content of Discussion
Green Finance Doo Prime supports a green and sustainable economy. We actively promote the further development of the global green financial market.
Responsible Investment Doo Prime has incorporated environmental, social, and governance standards into the internal procedures of investment and related monitoring activities.
Green Office Measures Doo Prime has implemented a number of green office measures, including electronic transmission of documents and waste recycling, as well as integrate the spirit of environmental protection into our daily operations.

在 Doo Prime 仅需一个账户即可投资证券、期货、货币对、贵金属、大宗商品及股票指数,极速交易超过 1 万个差价合约产品 ,轻松穿梭 6 大市场,把握全球机遇

Client Worldwide


Financial products
